Every new level of awareness brings its own trouble! This week I found myself resenting the well wishers who presented me with ultra sincere wishes that I have an absolutely wonderful Christmas Day with my family. Did they think it was a coronation?
Then, yesterday, at work I grew weary of the ubiquitous Merry Christmas that I was hearing everywhere that had taken the tone of Have A Good Day. I shared that with our administrative assistant whose real life includes being married to a minister. She gets me and nodded quickly. Unlike the agnostics who want to take God out of holiday greetings, I would like to limit it to those who cherish God in their daily lives. Too hard core?
Christmas every morning and Thanksgiving every night is something I used to hear at meetings. The promise of a life heretofore unimagined is what program promises and what it has delivered to me. I was in a meeting this morning and thinking of my next destination which was church. I thought about how much the service would resemble a meeting and how those things made it attractive to me.
My church was built out of a horse barn 52 years ago by area folks who wanted their own Episcopal Church instead of traveling to the next town. It is a plain and simple place, it's cross made of two fence pieces. We sit in chairs that can be brought around in a circle. This morning we were a small enough group to assemble next to the alter for communion, passing eucharist in a circle one to one another. As in a meeting, some readings were read by volunteers and there were prayers spoken of thanksgiving and pleas of intercession for others.
It's not always such a small, intimate gathering but this morning as we pondered such greatness bestowed upon a teenaged girl in first century Palestine, it was just right. Not a coronation and not an ordinary day either.
Just another sacred day in which lies great promise. It carries the likelihood that it will pass without struggle. And I ask in my higher powers grace to keep me away from a drink or its substitute a day at a time.
Alive And Drunk
13 hours ago
Blessings dear friend. Say one for me, and I'll thank the angels for you too.