Surrender, surrender. There wasn't enough time for me to share at the meeting tonight and so I have a little something to say. The subject was attitudes making a difference. As I heard the discussion include concepts of expectations and resentments, my mind wandered on to self-will, feelings of victimization and self pity. And being caught in that trap of wanting to be well thought of by others. All I could think of was the need to surrender.
To place my will and my life in the CARE of a Higher Power. As Courage to Change p157 goes on to say . . . think of this care as a source of love and support that surrounds me in my daily life. I do not need to earn it or to work for it; I need only be receptive to it.
I surrender my best thinking. I surrender my feelings of frustration, temper and temptation to lash out. I surrender my angst, my fear, my doubt and my sadness. Instead, I look toward the light and let go of the person that I think I need to be.
What's good about today is putting aside my ego, a minute at a time.
Gold Fate Silver Lining
23 hours ago